Monday, September 16, 2019

All Abroad!

In a tad over 12 hours I'll be walking out of the door. The packing is done, save for a few bits, that I will need tonight, toothbrush, etc and Ginny is waiting patiently in the garage. I've checked her tyre pressures today, stuck a few psi in and fitted Tomtom again.

Including the 35 miles from here to the tunnel, I shall be covering about 340 miles tomorrow, give or take. I was planning a stop at my usual Tesco fuel station off the M20 but I filled Ginny up when she came back from her 12k service and I've not ridden her since, so there's no need for that stop now. Ginny's range is such, that I will easily reach the next planned fuel stop without any danger of running out. That's at a place called Dreux, west of Paris.

My main concern, when I reach the hotel, will be where I'm going to have dinner. Looking on the map, I'll be spoilt for choice, with the usual suspects all within a mile of the hotel, McDs, BK, KFC, Buffalo Grill. In fact, that is the choice for most of my overnights in France, with maybe a noodle bar or pizza place thrown in the mix too. As Paul and I found out when we went to Le Mans, the Buffalo Grill do a reasonably priced 2/3 course set meal choice, including a beer, so I expect I'll be paying at least one visit on this trip. As most of my hotels are sans brekkie, I foresee the odd egg Mcmuffin being consumed too. These trips are never fueled by gourmet meals, that's for sure.

Check back tomorrow to see how I've got on during the day and what meal choice I made 😉

Free Wifi!


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